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Kung Fu Connection Studio

7830  WILES rD c&d, Coral Spring , Fl 33067

Ph 954-906-8212


Project |01


Carolina's Creation School of Dance
​"Dance Education must be Fun and Creative"
_ Carolina


Carolina believe in dance, her passion for dance is reflected in every move she make. The way to make children love to move their bodies is through dance. Dancing frees children to explore their creativity without worrying about finished product, just being in the moment, enjoying the movement. What better way to instill in your children a lifelong habit of body wellness!.  Add Hatha Yoga to Carolina's special Dance fusion of Classic Vaganovah Ballet, and Modern Dance Merce Cunnigham technique, and freestyle Movement, and you"ll have the Open Creation process to teach kids how to create without competition. You, the parent, will have the enjoyment of regular recitals to see your child's progress and be amazed at their passion for dance.

"I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself".

_ Mikhail Baryshnikov​



The Summer Dance intensive

​ This is a 8 week program in Classic Ballet and Modern Dance for advance and intermedium students. The program is limited  to a dancers will be the age 14-17 at the time of the program. The classes will refining their Technique and Performances. Note pointe work is not required.

Show-Cases and performances at the end of the session.

These classes will bring you to your life a powerful communication with your  internal fire. Intensives ondulation and movements focusses into  the core and belly create a Belly-Cosmic ritual artistic dance.


"A training to help you peal your cosmic nature".

Clear your mind practicing Asanas and Pranas and the Cosmic Magical Meditation. Learn how to open your dream zone and flow into into it. Each session are a  blend of differents powerful techniques.







Just a sample of my work. To see more or discuss possible work >>

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